Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Gray Wolf may go back on the endangered species list

Six months ago the Bush administration had taken gray wolfs off the endangered species list. Now the Bush administration is asking a federal judge too put the gray wolf back on the list.

Apparently the wolfs have not bred enough in the wild too maintain stable populations in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming.

Gray wolfs play an important role as the dominate predator in healthy ecosystems. In areas were the gray wolf have been reintroduced entire ecosystems have benefited.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Some people say why worry about global warming

Personally I live in Michigan and some of my uninformed friends will say things like “Global Warming is good at least our winters won’t be as bad” and “why should I care if the polar ice cap melts, I’ve never seen the north pool and don’t ever plan on too.”

Many of my friends would be surprised to know that during the last ice age the world was only 6 degrees cooler on average then they are now. During the last ice age Michigan had a two mile deep glacier over it.

If 6 degrees cooler then average can cause a 2 mile think glacier too form over Michigan what would 6 degrees of warming do. Kind of scary when you think about it.

Friday, September 5, 2008

The polar ice cap is melting

Global Warming is causing the polar ice cap too melt. Within a few years we just might have our first summer with an ice free artic. Never before have humans lived on earth with open ocean at the north pole.

Because wind patterns are caused by the interaction between artic cold and tropical heat. The possibility of entire wind currents being disrupted because of the warming artic is a possibility that cannot be ruled out.

How an ice free artic will effect global weather patterns is being debated. What is for certain is that Famine, floods and intense storms will be a byproduct of Global Warming.